
Thermal imaging

Proveo provides a higher level of confined space safety. Our thermal imaging system is designed for the use of hot works (welding, gouging and grinding) and integrates easily into our remote confined space monitoring (RCSM) system. Using traditional fire monitoring methods, personnel are often sitting idle for hours directly monitoring hot works. Remote thermal imaging is optimal and allows worksites to integrate all of the confined space management work tasks and avoid sending workers into hazardous zones.

By providing a clear picture of any thermal anomalies, thermal imaging is also crucial to preventative maintenance – it helps in early detection of potential problems, maximizing operational efficiencies, cost savings and safety.


Each thermal imaging system is optimally located within a confined space to allow for a view of the work being performed. The thermal and visual cameras communicate back to our team, monitoring for hot spots and potential fires. Our technology catches fires early and provides localized fire suppression and alarms without putting employees in harm’s way.


Each thermal imaging system is optimally located within a confined space to allow for a view of the work being performed. The thermal and visual cameras communicate back to our team, monitoring for hot spots and potential fires. Our technology catches fires early and provides localized fire suppression and alarms without putting employees in harm’s way.


If a hazardous situation is identified, our technicians notify the proper authorities and alert workers within the area with visual and auditory alarms. When fire suppression is required, the RFM fire extinguisher can be triggered by the operator to target a specific location.

Continuous hot work monitoring in real-time eliminates the risk of unnoticed hazardous sparks or flames. The setup provides an accurate, big-picture view of all hot work activities in the area and enables an immediate emergency response via the visual and auditory alarms and the robotically aimed fire extinguisher.

Remote thermal imaging not only raises the standard for safety in an industrial confined workspace, but it also reduces risk exposure for the workers monitoring these spaces.